作者:KevinC. Williams
Tel.: +61 7 3826 7284; fax: +61 7 3826 7222.
主题:Evidenceof a growth factor in some crustacean-based feed ingredients in diets for thegiant tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon
作者:FernandoKubitzaa and Leonard L. Lovshinb,
a ESALQ-USP/ DZ, Av. Pádua Dias, 11, Piracicaba, SP, 13418-900, Brazil
b Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures, Auburn University, Auburn,AL 36849, USA
主题:Effectsof initial weight and genetic strain on feed training largemouth bassMicropterus salmoides using ground fish flesh and freeze dried krill as starterdiets
M. Morena, , , J. Suontamab, G.-I. Hemrea, Ø. Karlsenc, R.E. Olsenb,H. Mundheimd and K. Julshamna
aNational Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research (NIFES), P.O. Box 2029Nordnes, N-5817 Bergen, Norway
bInstitute of Marine Research (IMR), Matre Aquaculture Research Station, N-5984Matredal, Norway
cIMR, Austevoll Aquaculture Research Station, N-5392 Storebø, Norway
dNorwegian Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Kjerreidviken 16, N-5141Fyllingsdalen, Norway
主题:Elementconcentrations in meals from krill and amphipods, — Possible alternativeprotein sources in complete diets for farmed fish
Krill contains all of the essential amino fatty acids required by salmon andtrout to survive. In effect it exceeds their daily requirements of amino fattyacids. In addition it contains abundant proportions of highly unsaturated fattyacids, a large part of which are the Omega 3 fatty acids which compriseapproximately 40% by weight of all fatty acids contained in the organism. Omega3 fatty acids have been demonstrated to be essential in diets that promotegrowth and survival of most cultured species.
Krill is also rich in pigment astaxanthin, a carotenoid shown to improve fleshcolor and exterior coloration of ornamental fish. Krill contains on the average100 to 300 parts per million (ppm=mg/1) of this carotenoid. It is this pigmentthat gives the Salmon and other species their firm red-pink better tastingflesh. Superior flesh color and taste is a proven result of feeding Krill overcommercially prepared diets that do not contain it.
磷虾体内含有丰富的虾青素。虾青素是一种可以增强观赏鱼外表颜色的类胡萝卜素。磷虾体内这种类胡萝卜素的含量平均为100至300 (ppm=mg/1)。这种色素使得鲑鱼和其他的鱼类具有可观红色味道鲜美的肉;这种效果是给鱼喂食含有磷虾的饲料才会达到的,不含磷虾的普通的商业饲料很难达到如此好的效果。
Other research indicates that Krill, added to the diet of salmon and troutbroodstock, has a direct effect on healthier eggs and offspring, reducinglosses and fungal diseases.
Other applications are in the manufacturing of micro encapsulated food for postlarval shrimp and prawn diets, various specialty diets for marine and tropicalfish feeds and as a taste attractant in commercial diets to enhance feedingmany public and research aquariums use plankton whole and as a supplement fornumerous aquatic species. Future uses include fish bait, health food supplementand food for humans.